BannerWeb 教师 Self 服务 Reference Guide - 云顶集团

BannerWeb 教师 Self 服务 Reference Guide




What is my username and password for BannerWeb?

您的用户名将是您的大学员工电子邮件地址的第一部分 "@", and your password will be the same as signing into a computer on campus. 如果你 在校园里没有登录过电脑或者没有更改过密码,会吗 是你的员工编号. 

Why are some links still going to the "Old BannerWeb"?

云顶集团' ERP provider is Ellucian. 艾卢西亚正在释放 new functionality and interfaces in incremental releases throughout the year. 随着新 功能或接口变得可用,云顶集团的信息系统 team will be updating BannerWeb-教师 页面s. 


Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
单击“详细时间表” & 课程维护
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)
The class roster will show at the bottom of the 页面


Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
单击“详细时间表” & 课程维护
在名册下,点击“Classlist”链接. If the class is not auto-selected, you will need to select it from the list of all of your classes. 您可以使用术语过滤器 从特定术语查看类.
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN). 您还可以按术语进行过滤 在这个屏幕上.
点击右边的电子邮件图标,这将打开你电脑的默认电子邮件 程序. (Note: Students must have a preferred email address selected.)
你也可以通过将鼠标悬停在每个学生的身上来获取更多的信息 学生的名字. The student's full profile will be opened in a new window if you 点击学生的名字.


Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
单击“详细时间表” & 课程维护
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)
点击右上方的“导出”将花名册导出为excel文件或点击“打印” to print the class roster (or save as a PDF in the print prompt)

How do I know which student is 审计ing a class?

单击“详细时间表” & 课程维护
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)

How do I view the list of classes I will be teaching this semester? 我怎么看 课程信息?

Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
单击“详细时间表” & 课程维护
从CRN下拉菜单中选择一门课程(这些是你在 选择学期)
一旦课程被选中,它的信息将显示在下面,包括基本信息 课程信息,会议日期 & 次数和入学人数

There are two instructors assigned to a class, which one is the 主要的 instructor? 

When viewing the 教师 Detail Schedule, within the the Instructors column there 将是带(P)的教员姓名. (P)表示初级教员. 当部分 are created in Administrative Banner within SSASECT, the system requires a 主要的 Instructor with a indicator before a section of the class can be created. 


学生可以在BannerWeb-Student中更新他们的联系信息. 如果一个学生关闭显示在他们的电子邮件地址的网络功能 BannerWeb-Student, the email address will not be displayed.

How can I 搜索 for a student within BannerWeb-教师?

Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
Select 搜索 method (ID Number, Email, or 名字)
搜索 using the selected method in the 搜索 field


Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
点击“Grade Entry”标签
Click the Mid-Term Grades option along the top
Select the grade from the dropdown by each student

Please Note: If the grade shows as rolled (indicating the grade has been rolled to the student's record), you will need to contact the registrar's office to make any 变化


Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-教师
点击“Grade Entry”标签
Click the Final Grades option along the top
搜索词(i).e. 2021年秋季)
Select the grade from the dropdown by each student

Please Note: If the grade shows as rolled (indicating the grade has been rolled to the student's record), you will need to contact the registrar's office to make any 变化

Why do some students have a automatic final grade within my class?

A student may already have a final grade based upon their registration status. 这 is due to Administrative Banner configuration. 重要的是要注意,如果你 能够更新自动成绩,你需要通知注册主任办公室吗. Auto grade should be locked before final grades can be entered. 下面是一个 explanation on how a registration status has a auto grade:

注册状态 级代码
审计 AD
行政撤销 W
撤回 W
医疗撤退 MW
撤销审核 WA




学生建议配置文件是新的基线横幅功能,旨在支持 顾问. The new functionality allows for new 受到建议的人 listings, and consolidates a wealth of information on a single 页面 for the 顾问. 如果你是现任顾问 你应该有权限. The Student Profile 页面 is used to view detailed information 关于一个特定的学生. 这 页面 displays the following types of information:

  • 学生概况
  • 生物信息
  • 一般信息
  • 毕业信息
  • 顾问的信息
  • 主要的 & 中学课程
  • 学时及GPA
  • 注册课程
  • 前教育 & 测试
  • 链接到其他学生信息 

How do I access the 学生辅导简介?

如果您是当前活跃的顾问,您将能够通过BannerWeb-教师访问 Link. 

Access BannerWeb-教师 using your log in credentials
Click the "New 学生辅导简介" link



在术语下拉列表中选择您想要搜索的术语 受到建议的人.
选择Student ID选项单选按钮.
When a match is found, click the View Profile button

注意:当未找到匹配项时,通知中心将显示红色提示 "未找到匹配".

搜索 for Advisee by Student Email Address

在术语下拉列表中选择您想要搜索的术语 受到建议的人.
Select the Student Email option radio button
注意:您必须为搜索输入完整的电子邮件地址,最多128个字符. The email address can also be copied and pasted into the 搜索 field.

When a match is found, click the View Profile button
注意:当未找到匹配项时,通知中心将显示红色提示 "未找到匹配".


在术语下拉列表中选择您想要搜索的术语 受到建议的人.
Select the 学生的名字 option radio button
Enter the student’s name using the Last 名字, First 名字 Middle 名字 format
Note: When using this name format, at least the first three characters of the last name must be entered before a name 搜索 will take place.

找到匹配后,您将能够在下拉菜单中选择学生姓名 menu
注意:当按姓名搜索时,如果所选学生中没有返回您需要的学生 术语, scroll down to the My Student is Not Listed” option at the bottom of the list. Click “My Student is Not Listed” to perform a 搜索 for a student across all 术语s. 如果你r 搜索 returns a valid result, after selecting the student, the most recent effective 术语 record for that student will be displayed. 这使您可以轻松地 find the student by selecting their effective 术语.

Note: When a student is deceased and the 顾问 搜索es by student ID or email, a message is displayed that information is not available and to contact the student 记录办公室. When 搜索ing by 名字, if a student is deceased, no 结果 are returned.


在术语下拉列表中选择您想要搜索的术语 受到建议的人.
You will be redirected to the Advisee 清单 Page

注意:顾问列表页面提供了与您有合作关系的所有学生的列表 active advising relationship for the given 术语. 这种关系是基于顾问 assignments within Admin Banner (Multiple Advisors Page – SGAADVR).  你有能力 to sort, 过滤器, and/or download the list of 建议, email 建议, or access an individual students’ profile from the Advisee 清单 页面.



The Advisee 清单 Page shows all 受到建议的人 for the specific 术语. 标题行有 以下数据元素:

名字 & ID – Last 名字 first 名字 and ID of Student.
注:保密指示(锁符号)显示学生的信息 is set as a confidential on the General Person Page.
Program – Program of the 所选学期的课程.
初级专业-与初级学习者课程相关的最高优先专业 对于所选的术语.
学术地位-学术地位是指最近一个学期的学术地位 小于或等于所选的项.
Student Status – Student status record in the general student record.
Student Type – Student type in effect for the 术语 selected.
顾问保持-复选标记用于指示是否可以释放顾问保持 对于被告知人.
主要指导老师-复选标记用于表示您是否是学生的主要指导老师 顾问.
Advisor Type – Advisor type assigned to the 顾问 for the student.
学生水平-学生水平与初级学习者课程相关联 选择项
录取类型-学生被录取为初级学习者的录取类型 所选学期的课程.
目录学期-为初级学习者课程分配给学生的目录学期 对于所选的术语.
小修课-目前与小修课相关的主动初级学习者课程为 选择项.
浓度-最高优先级浓度附属于主要的主要 primary learner 所选学期的课程.
College – College associated with the primary learner curriculum for the selected 术语.

Within the Advisee 清单 页面, you are able to 过滤器 in the event you have many 建议. 您可以在顾问列表中过滤数据. 每一列都有一个定义的列表 Operator字段中显示的操作符. 使用删除(-)按钮或清除 All按钮用于从过滤器中删除添加的列,Go按钮用于查看结果 过滤器的.

The 过滤器 结果 display the number of records found and the columns used in the 过滤器. A Column 名字 X button is displayed for each field included in the 过滤器. You can remove each column, one at a time, and the 过滤器ed 结果 are revised for 剩下的过滤器. Use the Remove Filter button to view the original un过滤器ed 结果. The 过滤器 drop-down (triangle) icon is used to display your 过滤器 settings so you can review what you selected for your recent 过滤器 and modify your choices.

当过滤器正在使用时,它在会话中保持活动状态,直到它被删除 更改Term,或者用户注销. Any 变化 to column order and value sorting 对过滤器也保持有效. 如果你 go from the Filter Results to the Student Profile 页面 and come back to the Advisee 清单 页面, the 过滤器 remains active.

Emailing Advisees 从顾问列表页面

Please note, you may encounter a issue when attempting to use the Email All button 从顾问列表页面. You will need to first configure your University of Dallas issued device with the following steps.

From your 云顶集团 issued device press the Windows Key 
Within the 搜索 type Default Apps and select
Scroll down to "Choose default apps by protocol" link
In the 结果 window, scroll down to find MAILTO 
To the right of the MAILTO is the default app which is defined, if the default app 是谷歌浏览器,这将不起作用吗
Click on the default app, this will bring up a selection window

现在,当访问顾问列表页面,并点击电子邮件,它将打开 选定的应用程序,并自动在密件中输入所有被建议的电子邮件地址 电子邮件行.
In the event you need additional help troubleshooting please enter a ticket at



在术语下拉列表中选择您想要搜索的术语 受到建议的人.
转到工具菜单(右上角的齿轮按钮)并选择Export Advisee 清单
In the Export Advisee 清单 window, select the export option
When prompted, open or save the Excel file to view the 结果

注意:该文件将根据被推荐人列表中使用的术语自动命名. 如果您愿意,可以重命名该文件. When multiple export spreadsheets are created, you 可以查看下载列表中的文件吗. Also, when 过滤器s are used, only the 过滤器ed 导出列表.


Select the 术语 for which you would like to view all assigned 建议
单击“姓名和ID”字段下的“查看个人资料”进入学生个人资料页面 为特定的顾问
The information within the Student Profile Page includes:

学生的名字 & ID
Basic biographic and demographic information
注意:这是关于可能影响学生的项目的信息的摘要显示 注册学期的能力.

额外的链接 configured to access other data elements within BannerWeb for the 顾问
注意:学生将有一个额外的链接部分,将以不同的方式配置 for based upon their role at 云顶集团.

How do I enter a Note within the 学生辅导简介?

Click on the +New button to open 注释编辑器窗口
Select one or the enabled roles indicators to designate who can view the note.

Note: The Advisors check box is selected and enabled by default for a new note. If only the 顾问 note is checked only 顾问 can view the notes. 学生的意愿 不能看到指导老师的笔记,除非指导老师选中“学生”复选框 允许学生查看.

Click the Post button to add/save the note or press the Cancel button to exit from 注释编辑器窗口.



Note: The number of existing notes is displayed on the tab

Select a sort option to display notes by dates, author, or category

Note: The default sort is by dates, which is the date the note was created

Expand the note summary to view the complete note text and display the Viewable by 选项.


Used by the Advisor or Student to view registration notices for the student for the 选择项. 登记 notices include messages about academic standing and any status that affects the student’s ability to register. 所载的资料 the drop-down menu is view only and cannot be updated through the Student Profile.


When you have completed the advising session for student, you can click on “Holds” 学生简介.
A drop down of holds will appear, where you can select the advising hold.
Enter the comment for releasing the hold and click “OK.(可选输入注释. The system does not require a comment to be entered before clicking ‘OK’. 如果没有评论 is entered the default Student note will have “Release Holds for Advisor Hold.") 
等待被释放后,座席将在消息中心看到“成功” 松开货舱." 

Note: When holds have been released, you cannot reapply them.

Reviewing Holds within 学生辅导简介

不同的部门可能会因为不同的原因对学生的账户进行冻结. Some of the most common causes of a hold being placed on a student’s account are:


A hold can limit interactions within BannerWeb-Student. 这些限制可以限制注册 验证,成绩单要求,申请毕业,注册课程, Reviewing Grades, and Accounts Receivable transactions.

Review the Holds and interactions that it may impact
保留只能由放置保留的部门解除 学生账户. Once a hold is cleared it will still be visible, but the to date 将会更新.



Academic Transcript - the new Academic Transcript layout allows you as the 顾问 to view unofficial advising transcripts for the selected student. 
Student Schedule - the Student Schedule link will redirect you to Banner8 页面 to view a concise schedule for the selected student. 
查看要毕业的应用程序-查看要毕业的应用程序将只填充 data when the student has applied fro graduation. 如果没有毕业申请 you will receive a notification of "No active graduation applications exist."
Week at a Glance - the Week at a Glance link will redirect you to Banner 8 页面 to view classes in day and time format for a student. 该系统是基于电流的 时间和日期,并将实时周视图. 
登记 & Planning - Goes to Banner Student 登记 9.x学生登陆 页面. 这 link has not been configured for Advisors but is a place holder for future 发展. 
View Grades - the View Grades allows you to see 术语 or all grades the student has received while enrolled at 云顶集团